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100 Great Problems of Elementary Mathematics

100 Great Problems of Elementary Mathematics

A  book  collecting  the  celebrated  problems  of  elementary
mathematics  that  would  commemorate  their  origin  and, above  all,
present their  solutions  briefly, clearly,  and  comprehensibly has  long
seemed  a  necessary and  attractive  task  to the  author.
The  restriction  to problems of elementary mathematics  was  con-
sidered advisable in view of those  readers  who have neither the  time
nor  the  opportunity to acquaint themselves  in any  detail  with higher
mathematics.  Nevertheless,  in spite of this  limitation  a  colorful  and
compelling  picture has  emerged, one  that  gives an idea of the  amazing
variety of mathematical methods  and  one  that  will-I hope-enchant
many who are  interested  in mathematics  and  who take pleasure  in
characteristic  mathematical thought  processes.  In the  present work
there  are  to be found  many pearls  of mathematical art,  problems the
solutions  of which  represent,  in the  achievements ofa  Gauss, an Euler,
Steiner,  and  others, incredible  triumphs of the  mathematical mind.
Because  the  difficult  economic situation at the  present time barred
the  publication of a  larger  work, a  limit  had  to be set  to the  scope  and
number of the  problems treated.  Thus,  I  decided  on a  round  number
of one  hundred  problems.  Moreover,  since  many of the  problems
and  solutions  require  considerable  space  despite  the  greatest  con-
cision,  this  had  to be compensated  for  by the  inclusion of a  number  of
mathematical miniatures.  Possibly,  however, it  may be just  these
little  problems,  which  are,  in their  way, true jewels  of mathematical
miniature work,  that  will  find  the  readiest  readers  and  win  new
admirers for  the  queen  of the  sciences.
As we have indicated already,  a  knowledge  of higher analysis  is  not
assumed.  Consequently, the  Taylor expansion  could  not  be used for
the  treatment  of the  important  infinite  series.  I  hope  nonetheless
that  the  derivations  we have given,  particularly the  striking  derivation
of the  sine  and  cosine  series,  will  please  and  will  not  be  found
unattractive  even by mathematically sophisticated  readers.


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