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Ruby By Example

Ruby By Example

Ruby is “a dynamic, open source programming language
with a focus on simplicity and productivity. It has an
elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write.”

It was released in 1995 by Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto.
It is often described as either a very high-level language or a scripting language,
depending on whom you ask. As such, it doesn’t require a programmer to
specify the details of how the computer implements your decisions. Like
other high-level languages, Ruby is often used in text-processing applications,
including an increasing number of web applications. I hope that once you’ve
become more acquainted with the language, you’ll agree that it does a good
job of getting out of your way and simply letting you get some work done.
Ruby has a very interesting pedigree. Matz himself has said that the
two most influential languages on Ruby’s design were Common Lisp and
Smalltalk—they were so influential, in fact, that he has jokingly referred to
Ruby as MatzLisp. On the other hand, some Ruby aficionados stress Ruby’s similarities with Smalltalk and Perl, as did David Heinemeier Hansson,
creator of Rails, in a June 2006 Linux Journalinterview. Hansson also describes
Ruby as “a language for writing beautiful code that makes programmers
happy.” I couldn’t agree more

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