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livre PayPal Hacks gratuit

PayPal Hacks

If your web site offers something special that people are willing to pay for,
such as access to a technical information database or specialized business-
to-business commerce site, you might want to offer subscriptions. PayPal
makes it easy. Using IPN, your web server, and your online database, you
can easily create an entirely automated system.
Many adult sites on the Internet are available on a subscrip-
tion basis. Don’t offer subscriptions to these sorts of sites
with PayPal. Your site’s content must be allowed under Pay-
Pal’s Acceptable Use Policy; otherwise, you might find that
your account has been limited [Hack #5] .
For the purposes of this example, let’s say you offer access to a Rhesus mon-
key marketing database for the low, low price of $30 per month. This opt-in
database contains the monkey name, monkey age, caregiver name, and mail-
ing address of over 10,000 monkeys across North America. You offer your
subscribers, typically Rhesus monkey supply vendors, access to this infor-
mation for marketing purposes.
You’ll need four things to implement your subscription business model:
• A Subscribe button on your web site
• An online database that includes a subscribers table
• An IPN script to keep tabs on new, renewed, and expired subscriptions
• Dynamic pages that check a visitor’s status before allowing access


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