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How To Succeed At Interviews

How To Succeed At Interviews

I make my living from interviewing candidates. Employers ask me to tra
their interviewers and to design assessment centres for them. In writing
this book, I’m a gamekeeper turned poacher. So trust me when I say that
know the kinds of questions that interviewers are going to ask.
You want to succeed at interviews. Perhaps you have a suspicion that you
aren’t putting yourself across to the very best of your ability during
interviews. Or maybe you haven’t attended an interview for a while and
simply want to do some preparation. Whatever your situation, this is the
book for you.  You know you can do the job – you just need some help in
persuading interviewers to give you the chance to prove it.
Well, here’s a secret: succeeding at interviews is like succeeding in a gam
Yes, an interview is a game.  And, like any other game, interviewing has
rules.  It’s true that some of the rules are unspoken and an interviewer
will never tell you to your face that you have broken a rule, but if you
break the rules, you will not get offered the job.  Follow the rules, and you
will get offered the job.  It’s that simple.  Because the person who gets th
job is not always the best person for the job; more often than not, they
simply know the most about how to get appointed.
I wrote the first edition of this book because I was seeing too many
candidates who were just not doing themselves justice.  In the second
edition, I added more information and detail to help readers cope with th
many, many questions that interviewers can sometimes ask.  And, with
this third edition, I’ve added a lot more information including:
-several dozen more of the fiendish questions that interviewers can ask
-many more sample answers to illustrate how to deal with those tough
  interview questions on topics ranging from talking about your skills to
  changing careers,
- more information on using your voice and body language to help you
 get your personality across and wow the interviewers,
-a whole new chapter on coping with nerves and projecting confidenceduring interviews,
-advice on coping with fiendish interview techniques such aspsychometric tests and      competency-based questions,
- many more practical tips and pointers for making a great impressionand getting that job offer.
To help you get the most from this third edition, I’ve also laid out some of
the most important advice in the book using the following icons:


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