How to Prepare Your Curriculum Vitae
The process of writing a curriculum vitae can be an exhil-
arating experience because it generates a heightened
degree of pride in your accomplishments as well as an
increased awareness of your skills. Begin the process with
enthusiasm and a desire to share information about your-
self. If you approach this process with anxiety or uncer-
tainty about its efficacy, writing a curriculum vitae will
not be a pleasurable experience.
If you are like most individuals, you will probably
experience a mixture of emotions ranging from noncha-
lance to denial of the need to prepare a CV. You will prob-
ably have emotional highs and lows that will affect every
aspect of the work to be accomplished. It is essential to
recognize that your feelings about yourself have much to
do with the degree of confidence with which you approach
and effectively complete this process. Therefore, a little
emotional introspection may well be in order.
View the process of preparing an effective CV as more
than merely recording your educational and work back-
ground. Instead, make it an intensely satisfying experi-
ence by critically reflecting upon your life. In this frame of
mind, then, consider the following exercises as a means
of developing an emotional and intellectual foundation
that will take you on an investigative course in the prepa-
ration of your CV. Return to this chapter whenever you
need support in this effort. Keep in mind, however, that
revisions, additions, and clarifications will occur naturally
as your work progresses.
On the following pages you will find exercises that will
assist you in exploring the emotional dimension of pre-
paring your curriculum vitae. Since preparing to write a
CV must begin with emotional reflection, we highly rec-
ommend that you articulate those emotions in a effort to
anchor them. As you do so, you will generate confidence
and a frame of mind conducive to successfully creating an
effective CV. To begin, find a quiet place and allow your-
self sufficient time to reflect on the emotional and intel-
lectual dimensions of preparing your CV. Use the space
provided below each exercise to record your reactions
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