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Environmental Monitoring with Arduino

Environmental Monitoring with Arduino

What Is Arduino?

Arduino is best described as a single-board computer that has deliberately
been designed to be used by people who are not experts in electronics, en-
gineering, or programming. It is inexpensive, cross-platform (the Arduino
software runs on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux), and easy to program. Both
Arduino hardware and software are open source and extensible.
Arduino is also powerful: despite its compact size, it has about as much
computing muscle as one of the original navigation computers from the
Apollo program, at about 1/35,000 the price.
Programmers, designers, do-it-yourselfers, and artists around the world
take advantage of Arduino’s power and simplicity to create all sorts of inno-
vative devices, including interactive sensors, artwork, and toys.
We built each of the products in this book using the Arduino Uno (Fig-
ure 1-1 and Figure 1-2), which at this writing (late 2011) is the latest model.
By the time you’re reading this, there may be something newer.
It’s not necessary to know Arduino Uno’s technical specifications to build
and program the gadgets in this book. But if you’re interested, you can find
them at the official Arduino website.

Electronic Circuits and Components

An electronic circuit is, as the term implies, electricity moving in a path very
much like a circle. Each circuit has a beginning, a middle, and an end (which
is usually very close to where it began). Somewhere in the middle, the circuit
often runs through various electronic components that modify the electrical
current in some way.
Each device in this book is a circuit that combines Arduino with different
electronic components. Some of these essentially manage the power and
path of the electricity; others sense certain conditions in the environment;
and still others display output about those conditions.


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