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Career In Finance

Career In Finance

Money makes the world go around.” So sang the emcee in the musical
Cabaret, and he was right. No matter what type of business you’re in, profit
or nonprofit, manufacturing or service, money management is the key to
long-term success. In recent years, firms in the financial services industry
have experienced a dramatic transformation in the way they do business.
Computer technology has enabled companies to be more efficient, so there
is less emphasis on number crunching and a greater focus on analytical
skills. The globalization of financial markets has increased the challenges
facing financial professionals and, at the same time, created the opportu-nity to expand careers across international borders. Innovative financial
products are changing the very nature of the financial services industry, pro-v iding an opportunity for young, creative thinkers to succeed in a new era.
As   this book demonstrates in great detail, financial careers span the
gamut of human endeavor. Hospitals need experienced financial officers
to   make sure money is available to buy the latest equipment and medi-cines, maintain an efficient facility, and hire quality personnel to treat the
sick. Universities need sophisticated money management to maintain and
gr ow  their campuses, attract and keep professors, enrich programs for
their students, and provide financial aid to qualified applicants. And gov-ernments need financial wizards of unending creativity and perseverance
to  help them deal with the growing monetary crises they have experienced
during the past several years of recession and global political turmoil.
Financial services professionals are the people who, in a very direct way,
deliver the capital and financial management critical to all business. As presi-dent of the Financial Women’s Association of New York, I’ve had the opportunity to see the tremendous scope  of financial services. All types of people
w ith enormous varieties of skills and talents find successful careers in finance.
Because you’re reading this, you’re undoubtedly considering such a
career. I encourage you to read on and learn about the new and exciting
options careers in finance offer. This book will help you decide if one of
them is for you. If so, I encourage you to work hard to pursue your choice.
Good luck!


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